Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day 13

Well, another day of sun! I could get used to this. Todays ride has been quite peaceful. It started in Port Orford on 101. The fog was just lifting as the sun was peeking over the mtns to the east. I stopped by the edge of the road to watch the water for a moment to see if I could still see the WHALES out there as I did the night before. But no sign of them. I got to watch them feeding and lumbering around yesterday evening and during and after dinner. They were far away but it was still exciting cause it was my first time seeing them!

Today being Sat morning and the fact that Port Orford is pretty much out there by itself made for a quiet ride on 101 and by the time the world woke up the map had me on a back road til lunch.

I met a couple of more Aussies this morning. I caught up to them going up a hill just like the others. These guys were younger though and on regular bikes. They've been camping through most of this nasty weather. Those Aussies are tough! Their end town tonight is the same as mine so I may run into them again in Brookings.

Lunch at the Port Hole Cafe in Gold Beach. That's what I'm doing here in library in Gold Beach, waiting for my awesome grilled cheese lunch to settle. The map shows a hellaious climb right out of Gold Beach so I want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row! I'm on 101 right on the coast the rest of the afternoon. Get to do lots of wave watching and maybe whale watching.

I'll cross into Cally (Clifornia) tomorrow and The Redwoods soon follow!

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